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AJ planning crisis survey: how have you been affected?


The AJ wants to hear what issues you are facing with the UK planning system

A House of Lords committee this week blamed the nation’s planning system for holding back housebuilding. The committee also raised concerns about delays in processing applications; uncertainty surrounding recent reforms and their implementation; and the lack of resources and design expertise in planning authorities.

So how are you finding the planning process? Is it swift, getting better and increasingly free from red-tape? Or are planning delays seriously affecting your projects and the way you work?

We want to uncover the truth about how the system is practically affecting architects on a daily basis, as well as highlighting which local authorities are doing well – and those that aren’t.

How could and should the planning regime (and how it is delivered) be changed?

Would you support an increase in planning fees to help fund improved council services?

Your answers are totally anonymous – though you can also say if you are happy to be named and/or contacted – so please be as candid as possible. The survey should take you about five minutes to complete.

Take the survey here

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