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AJ/AR survey: what’s it been like working in architecture in the past year?

The AR and AJ are inviting people working in the built environment to take a survey on their experiences working under Covid-19 as part of the W Programme

As architectural practices grapple with the changing pressures of working with Covid-19 and hybrid working policies between home and offices around the world, the AJ and the Architectural Review want to hear about your experiences working in practice over the past year.

We will ask you questions about yourself, your career, and your experiences working at your current company. The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete, and the information you provide will help us to build a picture of working conditions in architectural practice, furthering knowledge about how best to foster healthy professional environments in architecture.

Click here to take the survey: open until 14 March

Every question is optional, and your answers will be kept completely anonymous so please be as honest as possible. The survey is open to all and is supported by the W Programme, promoting equality and diversity in architecture in partnership with the Architectural Review and the Architects’ Journal.


Do you work in Human Resources for a UK-based architecture practice? We would be delighted if you would fill out our HR survey on office demographics and Covid-19 safety policies

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