Author Archives: Simon Aldous

Weekend roundup: ‘Idiot’ blames son for abuse-of-title conviction

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This week’s top stories reviewed by the AJ’s Simon Aldous: Man blames son for abuse-of-title conviction • Architecture firms unite against excessive working hours • Liverpool schemes halted after developer’s arrest • Antepavilion developer hits back at council • Architect hails change to Oxford’s affordable housing policy

The AJ Christmas Quiz 2019

Father christmas

How did the RIBA plan to mark International Women’s Day? In what way were architecture and protest perfectly combined? And which practices have office dogs? Test your knowledge of another momentous year in architecture

Weekend roundup: Not the result the profession was hoping for

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This week’s top stories reviewed by the AJ’s Simon Aldous: Election result disappoints the profession • No ARB sanction for climate protester • RIBA names all-female list of honorary fellows • Barbican school shelves expansion plans • Dutch retrofit library wins top world architecture prize

Weekend roundup: Out of Pocket

Hat projects

This week’s top stories reviewed by the AJ’s Simon Aldous. HAT Projects’ Pocket Living loses appeal • AJ survey shows slight boost for Labour • Dulwich Pavilion to be turned into planters • Hawkins\Brown profits plummet • Níall McLaughlin museum scheme axed • Takero Shimazaki reworks Barbican flat

Weekend roundup: Designing a ‘human warehouse’

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This week’s top stories reviewed by the AJ’s Simon Aldous. Ben Adams Architects in firing line over office-to-resi PDR scheme • AHR sells overseas office for one pound • Non-architect fined for illegal hashtags • Sheffield buildings in danger from cuts, warn heritage groups